Will AI create massive unemployment?

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  1. The job AI is about to take away from you? You never liked it anyway.
  2. Computers don’t eliminate jobs. They create jobs. New industries and professions. How many people work in the IT industry? How many people telecommute?
  3. The well of human desires is bottomless. As soon as you had all the world’s music for $10 a month, you wanted a $10,000 vinyl collection!
  4. Nobody plowing a field in 1850 could imagine drone operators or webmasters or social media managers. If AI takes our jobs, we can’t yet imagine what new jobs will emerge… but they will come.
  5. Humans have souls. AI does not. We have the Divine spark. AI does not. Life has desires… and near-death and out of body experiences. AI does not. Deep Blue didn’t look forward to becoming the #1 chess champion and it didn’t celebrate afterward.
  6. We do not serve technology. Technology serves us. We can use technology to get enslaved, addicted and zombified… or to refine our thinking, create the unimaginable, live longer, and make superior choices. The highest value is human freedom, not business, profitability, politics, or efficiency.

This last bullet is super important BTW.

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  1. Definition of authenticity in a world of deep fakes: When a real human being speaks their truth without shame.
  2. The gold standard for intelligence isn’t machines talking to humans via keyboards (“Turing Test”). The gold standard is life itself. A teaspoon of bacteria does more programming than all the engineers at Google. Your own immune system is a million times superior to any human invention.
  3. Questions are 1000X more valuable than answers.

“Years ago, running the controls on an elevator was a JOB. Blacksmith used to be a JOB. People used to get ice delivered for their “ice box.” That was a JOB. All those jobs are gone—and last I checked—no one really cares. Same thing is happening with AI.”

-Ed Rush

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About the Author

Perry Marshall has launched two revolutions in sales and marketing. In Pay-Per-Click advertising, he pioneered best practices and wrote the world's best selling book on Google advertising. And he's driven the 80/20 Principle deeper than any other author, creating a new movement in business.

He is referenced across the Internet and by Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, INC and Forbes Magazine.

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