Dysfunctions, Addictions & the Financial Burning Bus – Part 9

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Every 4-Man Intensive is unique, but one last year especially stands out.

This guy named Tim was up for his hot seat. For a little while it looked like we were going to head straight down the “marketing techniques” trail.

Then I asked him some question about why he was in the business he was in, and about his business partner – then stuff started pourin’ out. He was terrified his partner was gonna screw him.

“Have partners screwed you before?”

“YES. Two other times.” He went on to describe how, every singe time, X happens, then Y happens, then Z happens, then “Don’t let the door smack your butt on your way out.”

I had a hunch this might have something to do with his dad. I drew a line on the floor. “This is the time line of your life, and this is now. Stand on this line and walk backwards until you feel that ‘He screwed me!!!’ feeling one more time.”

He walks backwards on that line, then suddenly BAM – he bursts into tears. (This has never happened before or since in an Intensive, but like I told you, each one is different…)

Suddenly he’s six years old and his dad has just done something to him and it’s heartbreaking.

You’d think this would be terribly awkward and I guess it was, but everyone in the room was remarkably calm and empathetic. Tim was completely safe; it was instantly obvious that EVERYONE related to this on some level. Everyone had some comparable piece of flotsam and jetsam floating around somewhere in their brain.

In fact, without even being prompted, everyone in the room went around in a circle and said, “Yeah, the thing I struggle with is ____.” It was spooky.

Tim told us exactly what had happened with his Dad. I said, “I can’t fix this right now, but at least we’ve gotten past Square One. You now know that this partner problem is really just a replay of the old dad tapes. You get those tapes healed up, and things are going to shift for you.”

I explicitly told him to find a Sozo facilitator, which he did. I also told him to read Stephen De Silva’s book “Money and the Prosperous Soul,” which he did.

That was a year ago.

I talked to Tim this morning on the phone. He emailed me a copy of what he wrote in his journal, the day he began erasing the tapes:

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“The Holy Spirit bound up doors, sealing the tomb, and locking away anger…fear of not enough…fear of not enough help, low self worth.  The perimeter of the door was sealed, the handle removed, and the key hole fused shut.  I have now taken a position on the front lines and I am ready to fight the good fight.  There is no fear in my veins, but only courage and might.  I am ready for my life’s purpose.”

Since I don’t have two identical copies of Tim, I have not performed a scientific A/B Split Test on both versions the guy. All I have is anecdotal evidence. But here’s what Tim told me this morning, just a few minutes ago on the phone:

Tim liked Sozo so much, he got it tattooed on his arm. His words to me: "It's a word rich with meaning. Wanted it on my mind for life." The word Sozo is Greek, it means "Saved, delivered and healed."

“I’ve forgiven my dad. I’ve experienced a release of identity. I no longer fear LACK. There is always enough. And right now I’m just playing in the sandbox, maybe I’m even a little careless about some things. But the deal flow is INSANE and I’ve never made more money than I’m making right now.”

That’s what can happen when you un-learn the lies you’ve picked up along the way, when you commit yourself to pursuing the truth and fulfilling your God-given design as a entrepreneurial human being.

Tim had to make multiple trips across the country and pull together all manner of disparate ingredients. I organized the Financial Sozo workshop because there was no place in the world where all these elements could be put together the way entrepreneurs need them.

We’re a huge step closer to having it all in one place.

For $199 get the recordings of my Financial Sozo Seminar:


Perry Marshall

P.S.: Just now he sent me this picture. Tim was so impacted, he got a tattoo on his arm that says “Sozo.” Wow. I had no idea.

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About the Author

Perry Marshall has launched two revolutions in sales and marketing. In Pay-Per-Click advertising, he pioneered best practices and wrote the world's best selling book on Google advertising. And he's driven the 80/20 Principle deeper than any other author, creating a new movement in business.

He is referenced across the Internet and by Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, INC and Forbes Magazine.

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